...with possible career prospects in nowhere. Or so says the free personal pyschometric test, which is basically just a premium version of the occassional personality tests you get in email forwards. On a serious note, if you are looking for a graduate job, you may find the Graduate Recruitment Bureau useful. Due to large numbers of employers preferring pyschometric profiles for candidates, they are now on a free trial period that offers a professional online pyschometric test (worth £70 apparently) for registered users over the next few months. The test comprises of two parts; a personality test and a test of logical reasoning, verbal, mathematical and spatial skills. If you have at least half an hour to spare, you are rewarded with a fairly comprehensive analyis. An interesting summary from my personality test produced this:
Major strengths: Faces up to issues without delay Persevering and tenacious Proactive in sorting out problems Firm and decisive
Possible development needs: Might be insensitive to the emotional impact on others of some of his decisions
Well, don't blame me for checking the sentence 'I don't feel upset when I see an animal killed on the road'...
¶ posted by Jon at 4:19 PM