Wednesday, June 29, 2005
...was the graffitti caption sprayed over a billboard poster for Tom Cruise's latest film, War of the Worlds. Another addition to the fairly interesting, but small collection of graffitti I see around my campus. Maybe this vandal wasn't a Tom Cruise fan. But speaking of Mr Cruise, it reminded me of a common eccentricity that runs amongst most hollywood celebrities that have more money than they know what to do with. For example, Mr Cruise suddenly feels he is an "expert" on physcology by downplaying the science and more or less just starts talking out of his ass. Suddenly it is so easy to judge others, not because you've been through what others have, but because your religion Scientology tells you so. And then there's lindsay lohan; teen actor turned whore musician performer, but co-star in the upcoming film Herbie. For those of you who never saw this film as a kid, Herbie is a Beatle car with its very own comic personality that beat every other race car with wit (this beats Too Fast Too Furious any day)! For some reason, Ms Lohan thinks that she should be placed at the forefront of the promo poster with Herbie instead of the background, and was apparently not pleased when she found out her recorded song for the movie was to be played only towards the ending credits. Perhaps Lohan still retains some naivity when it comes to automobiles, but in the entertainment industry, there's no way the bitch comes before the car! Point being though, that it disgusts me how snobbish and self-absorbed celebrities can be, nevermind their ginormous fat paycheck.

Even the vandal under the overpass seemed to have more moral sense when he sprayed 'Make no thought of the harvest but only of proper sowing'.
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